Shaped like a man

Proposal for the International Walter Benjamin Memorial Prize - Installation.

"There's a painting by Klee called Angelus Novus. It depicts an angel who seems about to walk away from something he's staring at. His eyes are wide, his mouth open, his wings spread. This is what the Angel of History should look like. His face is turned towards the past. Where we see a chain of events, he sees only a single catastrophe, unceasingly heaping ruin upon ruin and hurling them to his feet. He would like to linger, wake the dead and reassemble what has been dismembered. But a storm blows from heaven and gets caught in his wings, so violently that the angel can no longer close them. This storm pushes him irresistibly towards the future, to which he turns his back, while the heap of ruins before him rises to the heavens. this storm is what we call progress."
W. Benjamin - On the Concept of History - IX

A 70 by 45 centimeter screen is suspended vertically from the ceiling. It slightly dominates the audience. The image that appears on its surface is made of a vibrant texture that is reminiscent of fine pencil strokes. It is the image of the spectator from top to bottom. 16 cymbals of varying diameters, from 25 to 60 centimeters, are hung from a thin metal structure itself suspended from the ceiling. The arrangement of the cymbals evokes a cloud that evolves above the screen. When the visitor approaches, the current image (that of a previous visitor) disintegrates, as if the pencil strokes were blown by a current of air. The cymbals (the largest ones) resonate slightly, as if they too were caressed by the wind.