Series of 130 generative NFTs.

I saw “2001: A Space Odyssey” when I was 10 years old, in 1978. The film, contemporary with the emergence of generative art, was also 10 years old. It was one of my first great artistic revelations. The vortex scene that precedes Bowman’s final isolation in the room is initiatory. It represents the passage from an ordered and predictable dimension of a finite world to the infinity of the unexplained. Thus the scenes in the room provoked in me the same sensations that one has when looking at the starry sky: an intoxicating vertigo in the face of the infinity of possibilities. This vertigo, in the film, logically follows an imbalance of the senses provoked by the vortex scene. Time expands and contracts for long minutes, showing the child that I was that cinema could be pure contemplation.

“Bowman's memories” is the video capture of an animated and sound generative program as well as an installation consisting of 130 digital drawings from the same program. Through image-by-image decomposition, we see organisms appear, autonomous and differentiated entities. “It's full of stars”.